Lottery Systems That Really Work 3,0/5 5154 votes

There is a lot of software about for lottery players – but just how does it all work?

Well, it’s usually written by Average Joe in his home office after work (no offence to Joe of course). That’s not to say some of the software isn’t good either, just that it’s mostly written by amateur programmers for their own entertainment or personal use. You won’t find Microsoft or Apple publishing an app to predict the lottery jackpot – it’s just not gonna happen 🙂

“Are there really any lottery systems that work?” The first thing you should realise is that if a lottery system exists that can beat a million dollar game then it sure as sugar will not be free! Although the best things in life may well be free when it comes to investments and making money, in this world, you get what you pay for. Lottery Games that Work with Winslips. Stefan underlines that his lottery system is not limited to US Powerball and provides a page of different lotteries it will work with. It won’t work with Pick 3 lotteries but deals with most of the regular lotteries like Canada’s Lotto Max and EuroMillions. There are 2 main types of software for playing the lottery. But how do they work? And can they really do what the authors claim? Some lottery strategies actually choose your numbers for you personally based on previous data abbreviated in the systems in. Lottery Is Really a state. Lottery systems that work. Get EZ Wins Lottery APP for how to win pick 3 lottery. Find out how to win the lottery and how to win pick 3, 4 & 5 lottery.

The way most lottery software works is either it attempts to predict the future results based on past results. Or it uses all kinds of filtering techniques to remove combinations that for whatever reason the author has decided are less likely to be winning ones. That really sums up nearly all of the software out there. Many programs combine both functions.

There is also other software too, such as applications to manage your lottery syndicate, or wheeling software or just basic stuff to track your own entries.

How Does Lottery Prediction Software Work?

To be honest it’s a really grey area. If you ask the lottery company, then lotteries are random and therefore totally unpredictable. So it doesn’t work.

You get mostly the same answer if you ask a maths professor. Although if you probe them a bit deeper then you’ll eventually get them to admit that it’s quite difficult building lottery machines and making them perfect. So yes, in theory it is possible that they aren’t quite as random as the lottery company would like you to believe.

Which does mean that prediction software could be useful. There just might be some useful trend in those past results that makes certain things a bit more likely to happen. That however is the level of the truth in it. A bit more likely is all you’re really likely to get. At best. If anything at all. I’ll take that however over just completely guessing and hoping for the best!

How Does Lottery Filtering Software Work?

Filtering is all about removing combinations to try and cut down the number of combinations you have to choose from. Thereby increasing your chances of winning.

The problem with filtering though is that there is a whole bunch of stupidity out there that goes right along with filtering. Most filtering software does stupid stuff. Some of it does a lot of stupid stuff, some of it just a bit.

For example, you can’t filter out the combination 7,14,21,28,35,42 just because you feel like it. Well, you can, but there’s no reason for it to be less likely to be drawn. Yes I know, it makes a pattern of multiples of 7. But why would that makes those lottery balls less likely to come out together? Did somebody tell them not to because they are multiples of 7? No, that’s just stupid.

I’m not a fan of lottery filtering software, purely because most of it does this kind of stupid filtering. There’s no logic, no sense behind it. It’s just pure human superstition. That’s not what software is for.

Which Lotto System Is Best

In Conclusion

I firmly believe that lottery software does work, if you start out by understanding what you really mean by that! The way it works depends on who wrote it and if they got caught up in stupid superstition or not. Buyer beware as always.

Lottery System

While there is no 100% full proof way to win the lottery other than filling and sending all the possible lottery combination, which will probably cost you more than the first second and third prize with bonuses powerball and any other additions altogether. This is why mathematicians created the lottery system.

A lottery system is a way to increase your chances of winning a prize in a lottery draw. The lottery system works on the assumption that most people do not know how to fill a lottery ticket and usually base their picks on a hunch or gut feeling and when filling more than one ticket, they do not cover enough options.

Lottery Systems That Really Work

Another mistake is aiming for the first prize. People always aim for the first and biggest prize (obviously). The thing is that winning the 2nd 3rd and 4th prize in a lottery is pretty good as well.

Another common mistake people make when choosing their lottery numbers is picking important dates like birthdays, anniversaries and so on. This causes the numbers to end around 31 being the highest number and guess what? It doesn’t work.

The most common lottery system is called the wheeling system. The lottery wheel system is doing 2 things for you:

  1. Helping you aim for a prize which is not the first prize but a lower one. (even though it is obvious that the more you play the more chances you have to winning the first prize and you can always catch the first prize “by mistake” which is great).
  2. Covering all the possibilities leaving you with the final task of filling the lottery ticket or lottery tickets.

The lottery systems work on any lottery draw around the world and any type of x/xx draw whether it’s 5/35 6/49 6/45 and so on.

Lottery Systems That Really Work Fast

The lottery system basically guarantees winning a prize in the lottery draw. This guaranteed prize is most likely to be a small one, but will cover your cost and give you a nice small profit. It will also increase your chances to win bigger prizes as after all you will never win the big prizes if you won’t play at all and you must keep that in mind.

One of the most popular lottery systems is the inverted lottery system and you can find a complete inverted lottery system review here.

IF you ask yourself how to win the lottery, the lottery system

Lottery Systems That Really Work To Kill

is that way and other than plain dumb luck, there’s no other way.