
Gambling Tactics

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Welcome to Alpha Sports Betting's betting tactics page. Here you will find a collection of tips and tricks, betting strategies and ultimate tactics curated by our cutting-edge sports betting experts to help you win. Oct 05, 2010 I recently read the list on 10 Tricks Casinos Use on You and found it interesting. As someone who has worked in the casino industry, I was well-aware of these subtle but powerful Jedi mind-tricks, and I've developed a few defenses of my own that I wanted to share. These are in no particular order.

  1. Gambling Tactics Roulette
  2. Sports Gambling Tactics
  3. Gambling Tactics Meaning
  4. Gambling Tactics Cheat
  5. Gambling Tactics Strategy

Here is a list of the 10 hardball tactics in negotiation to watch out for from the authors of Beyond Winning: Extreme demands followed up by small, slow concessions. Perhaps the most common of all hard-bargaining tactics, this one protects dealmakers from making concessions too quickly. Oct 05, 2010 I recently read the list on 10 Tricks Casinos Use on You and found it interesting. As someone who has worked in the casino industry, I was well-aware of these subtle but powerful Jedi mind-tricks, and I've developed a few defenses of my own that I wanted to share. A strategy is a course of action you decide on in advance. For example, a gambling strategy might be to learn how to play blackjack using perfect strategy by memorizing a basic strategy chart, and then testing yourself with an online basic strategy tutor.

Gamblers’ goals can be as unique as the music piping through their earbuds. Many gamblers are just looking to enjoy themselves despite the amount of money they are losing.

While some just want to take small incremental wins over a significant stretch, others are just trying to catch nice buzz off some free drinks.

You really can’t do it wrong — not as long as you’re being entertained.

I seem to constantly bump into gamblers with a specific goal of doubling their bankroll. Obviously, this means something different to every gambler. I’ve met a buddy in Las Vegas before with $500 in my wallet and seen him pull over $15,000 from his backpack.

Clearly, if we set out to double our money, that would look different for each of us.

So, today I’ll give you 4 unorthodox gambling tactics that might double your winnings. You may not be a fan of these gambling tactics, simply because several aren’t as exciting as other gambling methods.

1. Be Bold

The percentage of your bankroll you put on any single wager is the boldness we’re discussing here.

If you’re playing $1 hands of blackjack while sitting on a $1000 bankroll, you aren’t playing boldly.

That’s a whopping 0.1% of your bankroll per hand.

Now, if you took that same $1k and put all of it on 16 at the roulette wheel, you’re making one of the boldest moves you could make in the casino.

The boldness I’m referring to isn’t the 1/37 shot you’d have on a European wheel, though.

No, it’s maximum boldness because you’re laying out 100% of your bankroll.

Everyone wants to double their winnings whether they are playing in a physical or online casino.

The problem is that the house has an advantage on every single casino game. This is an absolute, save for card counters that occasionally have a slight mathematical edge or video poker players who combine optimal play with the slots club rebates.

Because of this edge, the best opportunity to double up is a maximum boldness strategy. You may likely lose it all, but because of the edge, you’ll slowly drain it all away anyhow.

If you are one of the best card counters on the planet or have found some other loophole to exploit the casinos, more power to you.

You already know that the minimum boldness works better with your advantage.


Let’s look at why the maximum boldness strategy, while perhaps counterintuitive, makes the most sense.

I already covered how every game for the average player has a negative expectation. This means the longer session you play, the more likely you are to get to a long-term result.

Since the result is losing your entire bankroll, you need to get in and out as quickly as possible.

If you want to double your winnings thru maximum boldness, you had better have some solid resolve. This gambling tactic is not for the squeamish.

2. Raucous Roulette

Roulette has a tremendous house advantage over the player whether you’re playing in a physical location or you’re playing online roulette for real money.

On an American roulette wheel, there are 38 numbers.

If you place one of the even-money bets, you get 18 chances to win.

But that leaves 20 opportunities to lose.

Here are the even money bets in roulette:

  • Odd/Even
  • High/Low
  • Black/Red

So, the probability of winning any of these even money bets is 18 divided by 38. That translates to a 47.37% chance of winning.

I’m sure you immediately recognize this translates into close to a 50% shot at winning.

A 47.37% chance of doubling your winnings isn’t terrible, though.

In fact, it’s pretty good.

Now let’s see what happens to the probability of doubling your money if you divide your bankroll in half and make 2 bets.

The likelihood of winning 2 consecutive bets works out to about 1 in 5.

That’s not nearly as good as the 1 in 2 play for 1 shot.

In fact, if you place 2 even-money bets on roulette, you must win both to show a profit.

But you also have a probability of about 28% that you’ll lose both.

Your probability of losing is always slightly greater in these situations, but there are 4 possible outcomes instead of just 2.

3. Double Your Winnings With One Swing

Most casino gamblers aspire to more than simply doubling their bankroll on 1 bet.

Most players wish to gamble as much as they are able.

Some starry-eyed bettors even try to make a career at the tables.

The latter are known as advantage gamblers. This group of elite players include professional poker players, card counters, and sharp sports gamblers.

They all function with some measurable advantage over their opponents. Whether that edge is over fellow players or the house depends on their game of choice.

By taking this 1 big shot, you are turning the randomness of any individual result to your favor.

If you can work out even a tiny advantage versus the house, your objective immediately shifts to the long game.

When you are successful in getting to the long run, you can exploit the house by using that edge over and over.

Of course, you have to not lose it all before then.

Typically, if you are counting cards, you get a close to 1% edge on the house. Yet, your chances of winning any individual hand is just below 50%. You gain the advantage because of the increased probability of the 3 to 2 payoff for a blackjack.

If you went all in on 1 hand with your entire bankroll, your risk of going broke is huge.

In most cases, you’ll see advantage bettors start with 1-2% of their bankroll. They continue betting the same percentage, but their bets are steadily increasing with their bankroll – and their edge over the casino.

Gambling Tactics

4. Making Hard Choices

Before you can double your winnings, you must choose the casino bet that provides the largest probability of giving even money. After all, the point is to double up, and we’ve already established that you need to get in and out as quickly as possible.

Any bet that pays off at more than even odds needs to be off your radar completely.

With that potential for a big payout comes an incredibly low chance to win.

You already know that you have a 47% chance of winning even money bets in roulette.

You may get lucky and find a European wheel though. See, these wheels have only a single 0.

Suddenly you go from 18/38 on even money bets to 18/37.

This may not seem like much difference at all, but you are bumped up to a nearly 49% chance to win.

Who wouldn’t take being almost 50/50 in the casino?

Trust me, this is about the best deal you’re going to find.

I run into a lot of gamblers who argue real money blackjack is a better choice, because of the diminished house edge. However, the odds of winning a single hand of blackjack is closer to 42%.

Don’t fret.

I have an even easier game than blackjack to suggest, and you have a better than 42% probability of winning each hand, too.

I need you to stay with me here because I know my mind instantly conjures images of a drunken Cousin Eddie and a maniacal Clark Griswold, but…

It’s Casino War.

Casino war is essentially the kid’s game you likely played all grown up.

You and the dealer flip a single card over, the higher card wins the hand.

Casino war does present a twist though. When you go to war, you must lay down a second bet. If you win the war, you get paid only on your original bet. Yet, if you lose, the house gets both bets.

This is how the casino gets its mathematical edge, despite being better than an even money shot at doubling up.

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to bet 100% of your bankroll on any individual hand of casino war. If you did this and went to war, you wouldn’t be able to place the additional wager necessary.

Surely, casino war is as unorthodox a gambling tactic as you’re likely to find.


Probably the easiest way to double your winnings from casino gambling is to play with maximum boldness. Cross your fingers and bet your whole bankroll on one of the even-money bets.

I recommend you pick one of the bets we discussed in roulette. Casino war is simply too risky due to the chances you may have to go to war with the dealer.

Keep in mind that gambling is meant to be entertainment and if you place your entire bankroll on any single bet, there’s a good chance you’ll lose everything.

So, please, gamble responsibly.

Home > Online Casinos > Casino Articles > 10 Casino Gambling Strategies

Though most of the gambling strategies listed below are simple, they quickly reduce the house edge.

If you play the best strategy you can, you'll be able to win more playing sessions and play longer on the same bankroll.

1 – Take the Odds

When you play craps you start each sequence of rolls with a come out roll. You can bet on the pass or don't pass line during a come out roll. Eventually (usually after one roll, but not always) a point is set.

Once a point is set you can place a special wager called an odds bet. The odds bet doesn't have a marked place on the table because the casinos don't really want you to place them. You slide your bet out behind the pass line or don't pass line bet you placed and say you want the odds. If you have any questions ask one of the casino personnel running the game.

Odds bets are offered at true odds of zero. The house edge is zero, so you should place odds bets whenever you have the opportunity.

2 – Blackjack Basic Strategy

Playing perfect basic strategy while playing blackjack can help you reduce the house edge by 3% or more. The house rules have a great deal to do with the overall house edge but no matter what the rules, if you play using the best strategy you'll save money in the long run.

This gives you the best chance to have a winning session every time you play and it helps you lose less when you have losing sessions.

Blackjack strategy cards and charts are available online and in most casino stores.

3 – Video Poker Strategy Cards

Of course you want to play only on the video poker machines that offer the best pay charts in the casino, but you should always use a strategy card for the game you're playing. Using a strategy card can save you 2% or more on every hand you play.

As you can often play hundreds of hands per hour, saving this much can help you play up to four times longer on the same bankroll over time.

You can pick up strategy cards in the casino gift shop or print one from the Internet. If I plan to play video poker I slip the popular strategy cards in my pocket before heading to the casino so I'm prepared for whatever game is available with a good pay chart.

4 – Always Bet the Banker

When you play baccarat you should always bet on the banker. It offers the lowest house edge and is the only strategy decision you can make at the table to help you.

The banker bet has a house edge of just a hair over 1%, making it one of the lower house edges in the casino.

5 – Slow Down At the Slot Machines

Gambling Tactics Roulette

Slot machines have some of the highest house edges you can find in a casino. On top of that you can usually play 300 or more spins per hour.

When you combine a large house edge and so many decisions per hour you create one of the worst things you can do in a casino.

While there aren't any true strategies that can help you beat slot machines in the long run, the best thing you can do (beyond simply not playing) is slow down your play. If you only play 100 spins per hour instead of 300 your bankroll will last three times as long on average.

6 – Play Fewer Texas Hold 'em Hands

If you want to start winning more when playing Texas Hold 'em, you need to start playing fewer hands.

The basic idea is if you enter hands with better starting hands than your opponents on average you'll win more hands. Of course in the short run anything can happen, but the better starting hand wins more often than the other hand in the long run.

If you've been losing on a consistent basis and are willing to try something drastic to change your outcome try this experiment for the next 10 hours you play.

Only enter the pot with the following hands.

  • A/A
  • K/K
  • Q/Q
  • J/J
  • 10/10
  • 9/9
  • A/K suited or not
  • A/Q suited or not
  • A/J suited or not
  • A/10 suited or not
  • K/Q suited
  • K/J suited

I realize you won't be playing many hands, but you stand a much better chance of winning than when you play 30 or 40% (or more) of your starting hands.

Once you prove you can do it for 10 hours of play you can start playing a few more hands, but don't go wild. Losing players play too many hands, not too few. Eventually you should shoot for playing an average of somewhere around 20% of your hands.

Once you start playing fewer hands you can start working on other things to improve your game like position and post flop play.

7 – Only Play On Single Zero Wheels

Sports Gambling Tactics

Roulette is a game that doesn't have much strategy that can change the long term outcome. It doesn't matter what you bet on the house edge is the same.

What you can do is only play on roulette wheels with only a single zero space. Wheels with a double zero and a single zero space have a house edge of over 5.2%. The house edge on single zero wheels is only 2.7%.

Gambling tactics

Though it doesn't work out perfectly in the short run, in the long run you can play almost twice as long on the same bankroll at a single zero wheel than you can playing a double zero wheel. This is enough reason for this simple strategy to be included on any list.

8 – Just Place One Bet

This one may be a bit out there for some, especially if you gamble because you enjoy the action.

I have a friend who uses a unique system or strategy every time he takes a trip to Las Vegas. He divides his bankroll by the number of days on the trip and bets the entire stake for each day on a close to 50 / 50 wager at the beginning of the day.

If he wins the bet he puts the original wager in his pocket for profit and plays the rest of the day with his win. When he loses he does something else all day.


Here's an example:

Gambling Tactics Meaning

He starts with a $2,000 bankroll for a five day trip. This gives him a daily bankroll of $400. Every day when he gets up he finds a single zero roulette wheel and places a $400 bet on red or black or even or odd. When he wins he puts his $400 in his pocket and gambles with the $400 he won.

Gambling Tactics Cheat

On an average trip he'll win two or three of the five first bets so he'll come home with $800 to $1,200 almost every trip. Of course over the long run he may have a few times where he doesn't get to gamble at all besides the first bets of the day.

Gambling Tactics Strategy

After this happened the first time he considered changing his plan so he'd be guaranteed a chance to gamble more, but he decided to stick with his original plan.

A few things he considered doing differently:

You can divide your trip bankroll by an extra day creating an extra amount you can use if you lose your original wager two days in a row.

In the example above you'd divide $2,000 by six for a daily bankroll of $333. If you lose your first bet both of the first two days you can play with your extra $333 that day.

The other thing you can do is recycle your winnings from earlier days when you lose the first bet.

Here's an example:

If you win your first bet on day one you can use the money you put in your pocket to play on a day when you lose the first wager.

You'll also win some days with the money you gamble with throughout the day. You can use that money to play later on your trip too.

9 – Play Tournaments

Tournaments are a great way to play for a big prize while investing a set amount of money.

You pay an entry fee and if you do well enough you win a prize. Payout structures vary, but the largest tournaments can have payout in the hundreds of thousands or millions.

You can find all kinds of tournaments. Most people think about poker tournaments, but many casinos offer slots tournaments, blackjack tournaments, and video poker tournaments.

This is one of the best strategies for extending your bankroll.

Some players plan their entire gambling trip around tournaments.

When you play tournaments you don't have to win very often to make money in the long run. Even if you're just able to place high enough to win something occasionally you'll usually do better than letting a regular table game or machine grind your money down.

10 – Bluff Less

This one goes for any type of poker including Texas Hold 'em, 7 card stud, and Omaha. You should bluff less than you do now.

It always looks like the players on television are bluffing all the time but the truth is most pros only bluff occasionally.

Try bluffing half the time you currently do in the future. You'll find your bluffs work more often and you make more money the times when you aren't bluffing.


Use the simple strategies listed above to win more often and play longer. Everything is simple enough that any casino gambler can do it, so why not give one or more strategies a try?

The odds are you'll be glad you did.